Redfin settles class action case over wages

In a surprising turn of events, real estate giant Redfin has settled a class action lawsuit over wages. The lawsuit, which was filed on behalf of current and former Redfin employees, alleged that the company had violated various wage and hour laws. The settlement, which is still pending court approval, could potentially have a significant impact on the way Redfin and other real estate companies handle their employee compensation practices.

The lawsuit, which was filed in federal court, alleged that Redfin had failed to pay its employees for all hours worked, failed to provide proper meal and rest breaks, and failed to properly reimburse employees for business expenses. The lawsuit also alleged that Redfin had misclassified its employees as exempt from overtime pay, when in fact they were entitled to it under state and federal law.

Redfin has vehemently denied any wrongdoing, but has agreed to settle the case in order to avoid the uncertainty and expense of further litigation. The terms of the settlement have not been disclosed, but it is likely that Redfin will be required to pay a significant amount of money to its employees as part of the settlement.

The implications of this settlement are far-reaching. For one, it sends a strong message to other real estate companies that they need to be diligent in complying with wage and hour laws. It also serves as a reminder to employees that they have rights and can take action if they believe their employer is not following the law.

In a statement, Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman expressed regret over the situation and reiterated the company’s commitment to treating its employees fairly. He also stated that Redfin has made changes to its compensation and timekeeping practices in order to ensure compliance with the law.

It remains to be seen what the long-term effects of this settlement will be, but it is clear that Redfin and other real estate companies will need to be more careful in how they compensate and treat their employees. This settlement serves as a reminder that no company is above the law, and that employees have the right to hold their employers accountable for any violations.

In conclusion, the settlement of this class action lawsuit is a significant development in the world of real estate. It sends a clear message that companies need to be vigilant in complying with wage and hour laws, and that employees have the right to seek justice if they believe their rights have been violated. It is a victory for the employees who brought this lawsuit, and a wake-up call for companies like Redfin to ensure that they are treating their employees fairly and legally.

Illustration von Lanette Behiry/Real Estate News; Shutterstock

Mehr als 2.700 Redfin-Agenten haben Anspruch auf eine Entschädigung aus der Vergleichszahlung in Höhe von 3 Millionen US-Dollar.

Redfin hat zugestimmt, 3 Millionen US-Dollar zuzüglich Lohnsteuern zu zahlen, um einen Fall beizulegen, in dem es um Vorwürfe einer unangemessenen Agentenvergütung geht.

Der Vergleich, der am 28. November endgültig genehmigt wurde und vor dem US-Bezirksgericht im südlichen Bezirk von Kalifornien stattfand, umfasst 2.754 Sammelkläger. Die Klassenvertreter waren Jason Bell und Devin Cook.

Der Hintergrund: Bell arbeitete 2019 für Redfin sowohl als Mitarbeitervertreter als auch als Associate Agent, was zwei unterschiedliche Vergütungsstrukturen beinhaltete. Cook arbeitete von 2016 bis 2019 als Associate Agent für Redfin.

Sowohl Bell als auch Cook warfen Redfin eine Reihe von Arbeitsverstößen vor, darunter die Nichtbezahlung von Überstunden, die Nichteinhaltung von Ruhezeiten und die Nichterstattung von Geschäftsausgaben.

Im März reichten die Kläger eine konsolidierte Sammelklage ein. Zu den Mitgliedern der Sammelklage gehören Associate Agents, die vom 30. April 2017 bis Ende 2022 bei Redfin gearbeitet haben, sowie Mitarbeitervertreter, die zwischen dem 20. November 2016 und Ende 2022 im Unternehmen gearbeitet haben. Durch Mediation , einigten sich die Parteien auf einen Vergleich.

Was Agenten bekommen könnten: Laut Gerichtsdokumenten erhalten die teilnehmenden Gruppenmitglieder eine durchschnittliche Bruttozahlung von 658,13 US-Dollar, wobei die geschätzte höchste Bruttozahlung 5.035,25 US-Dollar beträgt. Bell und Cook erhalten außerdem jeweils 10.000 US-Dollar als Klassensprecher.
